Service Delivery Model

Hi-Hope's service delivery model serves as an overlay for all of our services .

Person Centered Planning

The person centered plan is at the center of the model and it intended to uncover what is important "to" and "for" the individual. The plan elicits and defines what makes a "meaningful" day for the individual.

Lifelong learning, citizenship & personal expression

These three areas are the core of Hi-Hope's service delivery. Lifelong learning, including communication supports, prepare an individual for life and inclusion in their community. Communication supports includes an educational consultant and an assistive technology specialist. These two professionals conduct individualized functional communication reviews, develop communication goals, identify appropriate communication systems and train staff. Citizenship activities include job training, work, volunteering and advocacy. Personal expression opportunities include development of an individual's leisure time and activities.

Community Connection

Community connections activities link the Person-Centered plan with opportunities for lifelong learning, citizenship and personal expression. Opportunities to engage in these activities are provided in integrated settings where adults with developmental disabilities have a chance to establish sustained relationships with individuals without disabilities.